What Web Design Mistakes Ruined Your Website SEO
While creating a website, it is always a confusing decision, to focus on a fantastic design and user experience or design providing better SEO.
It is a confusing decision as it has been seen that many of the mind-blowing animated website design got bad reception. But it is always expected that a well-designed website will consequently increase the footfall.
There are many web designers found deliberately ignoring the SEO aspect. Although, it is always argued that there should be a balance of both design and optimization. The synergy of Designers with SEO specialists and developers help in making the best of the website.
The websites which are SEO-friendly going through redesigning phase should be carefully monitored as the forthcoming design can hurt the ranking of the website.
The Websites Web Design Mistakes can Ruin your Website SEO:
Using the Splash Pages: The splash pages can be eye-catching but it can prove to be a barrier and obstacle between SEO and the website. A homepage having zero-content and navigation is not favored by the SEO because it can cause the inappropriate indexing of the site.
Full of Flash: Although it pleases the eyes of the visitor, again the flash is never the preferred choice of SEO. But it has to be moderately used and should not be zero.
Over Use of Frames: Inconsistently, a lot of the websites designed with the over-usage of frames. They don’t provide any help in SEO. The usage of the frames makes it non-viable for the search engines to search the valuable content in the site.
Pictorial Depiction Instead of Significant Elements: The pictorial contents are the chief form of navigation by search engines without functional usage. On the contrast, the navigation only does not make the website effective.
Usage of Pop-Ups: The usage of pop-ups is taken in bad taste. They are found to make the predisposition or prejudice about the website and the SEO is not even possible. It is better to forget about the pop-ups for good.
Avoiding the Navigation Standards: Some designer designs totally weird site having no navigation standards. In case the navigation used is not planned and organized, it is a sheer wastage of resources.
Inappropriate 404 Error Page: Creation of a custom designed 404 error page helps in bringing the humor on the website. Although sheer intention for creativity may bring the ignorance of essential factors, like the link to return to the homepage of the website.
It helps in improving the user experience, at the same time enhances the efforts and bring the overall SEO value.